Self-evaluation of study programs of the University of Banja Luka
As part of the continuous professional development of teaching staff, the Faculty of Philosophy and the Center for Lifelong Learning organized a lecture on "Self-evaluation of study programs" on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. held by Duska Radmanovic, assistant director for accreditation and International Cooperation in the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska.
The presentation defined the basic elements of the study program self-evaluation process, as well as the structure of the self-evaluation report, and there was talk about method in which the study program can be revised and changed in accordance with legal and by-law regulations.
The largest part of the presentation is dedicated to the new standards for the accreditation of study programs, where certain segments are singled out within standard 2 "Creation and adoption of study programs", such as: launching joint study programs, launching interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary study programs, launching programs in foreign languages, short study programs, division of subjects into groups, list of elective subjects and the share of elective subjects in the curriculum, evaluation of professional practice with a special focus on the implementation of pedagogical practice, as well as a matrix of learning outcomes.