Thematic Analysis

In accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), the Agency for Higher Education of Republic of Srpska periodically prepares thematic analyzes related to the field of higher education. Thematic analyzes are conducted in each accreditation cycle, and if deemed necessary, thematic analyzes may also refer to certain segments of the quality assurance procedure, certain accreditation standards, and other important issues in the field of higher education.

In the previous period, the Agency prepared a thematic analysis of the first cycle of accreditation of higher education institutions. The topic of the analysis is the process of accreditation (external evaluation) of higher education institutions in the Republic of Srpska, and the analysis itself included 14 accredited higher education institutions. The content of the analysis included the self-evaluation of higher education institutions (analysis by criteria), shortcomings, ie. limitations of the analysis and recommendations for improvement. Data are being collected for thematic analyzes related to the criterion of international cooperation, as well as for teaching in the emergency situation caused by the corona virus epidemic.

After the end of classes in the academic year 2019/2020, which in the summer semester was mostly conducted long distance, The Agency began with the preparation of a thematic analysis of the quality of the teaching process in higher education institutions in that period. For the purpose of collecting data for analysis, the Agency prepared two questionnaires, for academic staff and for students, in order to analyze the level of satisfaction with the quality of online teaching of two key stakeholders. The survey included teachers and students from 146 study programs implemented at 14 higher education institutions. Questionnaires were filled out by 418 teachers and 551 students, which is a representative sample when considering the number of higher education institutions and the number of students in the Republic of Srpska. The analysis showed that the institutions reacted very efficiently when switching to online classes, and that the vast majority of teachers (more than 99%) organized online classes. As expected, the analysis indicated certain differences in the realization of teaching related to the scientific field to which the study programs belong. The thematic analysis is permanently available in electronic version, and on request in print.

By the decision of the Government of The Republic of Srpska, The Commission for Combating negative occurrences in Higher Education in the Republic of Srpska ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska" No. 14/21) was formed, whose task is joint, continuous and coordinated action to combat negative phenomena in higher education, i.e. strengthening the integrated approach of all sectors involved in the process of higher education reform and quality assurance in higher education.

At the first session of The Commission for Combating negative occurrences in Higher Education in the Republic of Srpska (hereinafter: The Commission) held on February 17, 2021, the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska was given a task of preparing a project proposal for the ranking of higher education institutions in the Republic of Srpska. The aim of this project is better information flow towards students and other stakeholders, measurable indicators for future strategies in higher education, encouraging higher education institutions to continuously develop and improve quality systems and increase scientific productivity in the context of international visibility and recognition. It was also concluded that the Commission is exploring the possibility of using this data in public sector employment.

In accordance with the task from the first session of The Commission, The Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska prepared the Proposal of the project of ranking higher education institutions of the Republic of Srpska, which The Commission considered at its second session, held on March 18, 2021. The project proposal defines the principles of ranking of higher education institutions in The Republic of Srpska, the manner of determining the ranking criteria, the manner of data collection and processing, the action plan, deadlines, executors, and the project budget. After considering the Proposal of the project of ranking higher education institutions of The Republic of Srpska, The Commission adopted it unanimously.

In 2021, the Agency for Higher Education of Republika Srpska (the Agency) initiated and, together with the Center for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON) from Belgrade, Serbia in the period 2021-2022 conducted research on the bibliometric performance of higher education institutions from Republika Srpska (hereinafter: Thematic analysis).The main objective of the thematic analysis is to improve the higher education system of Republika Srpska by providing an objective and systematic overview of the scientific productivity and bibliometric performance of higher education institutions from Republika Srpska during the period 2011-2020.In accordance with the legal and sublegal regulations in Republika Srpska, as well as practices in the European Higher Education Area, the Agency periodically conducts external evaluations of higher education institutions/study programs in relation to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) . Although this quality assurance mechanism evaluates higher education institutions/study programs in all key areas of work, there are certain areas that are not (or not sufficiently) represented in these procedures. This primarily concerns the bibliometric performance of higher education institutions, which is the foundation for development and achieving international standards in all segments of the institution's work. In addition, the accreditation report of a higher education institution does not contain detailed data on the quality of work of each individual member of the university, which prevents a more detailed overview of relevant indicators at the level of faculties/academies of arts.