ENQA General Assembly held
Due to the pandemic of the Corona virus this year's General Assembly of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was held via the Internet on October 22, 2020.
As a representative of the Higher Education Accreditation Agency of the Republic of Srpska, the Assembly was attended by the Head of the Department for Quality Assurance and International Cooperation, Duska Radmanović.
The Assembly discussed the admission of new members, both in full membership and associate members, and changes to the Statute of ENQA and the procedures for external evaluation of the work of agencies.
Voting was conducted via the internet platform, which enabled the adoption of the work report, financial report, as well as the work plan and budget of ENQA for 2021.
Given that the General Assembly normally discusses a large number of issues that are important for the work of agencies in the field of higher education, this year ENQA organized a number of internet seminars that covered issues of work in new circumstances, indicators in higher education, etc.