Continuation of ENQA training in Bucharest
Head of the Department for Quality Assurance and International Cooperation, Duska Radmanovic, MSc, participated from 11th to 13th December in a series of workshops within the framework of the “Development of Management Skills 2019-2020” in Bucharest.
The program is organized by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and consists of three three-day workshops, the first of which was carried out in cooperation with the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Austria and the second in cooperation with the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Romania.
Experts from different countries in Europe and the world covered topics such as:
- Current challenges facing quality assurance agencies,
- Development of management skills in quality assurance agencies - the need for change,
- Competing values Framework (CVF) in the context of organizational culture and leadership roles, etc.