The 50th regular session of the Steering Board of the Agency was held on the premises of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska on November 19 2024.
At the session, the draft Minutes of the 49th regular session of the Steering Board of the Agency, the Statute of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska, the Strategy of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska were discussed and adopted, and the draft of the Regulation on Internal Quality Assurance of the Agency's Work, which also includes the Code of Business Ethics, was also adopted.

The List of Reviewers of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska was also supplemented at the session.
The agenda of the session also included other issues of importance for the work of the Agency, including issues on which the Appeals and Complaints Committee is deciding, so the session was also attended by the President of the Committee, Prof Valeria Shaula, phd.