The fourth meeting of the Accreditation Forum was held on 12th November, 2013 in the Republika Srpska Academy of Arts and Science conference hall in Banja Luka. On that occasion, prof. Miroslav Bobrek, PhD presented certificates on accreditation to the representatives of five accredited higher education institutions in Republika Srpska: University of Business Studies Banja Luka, Banja Luka College, Independent University Banja Luka, University of East Sarajevo and University of Banja Luka.

Based on the decision on accreditation issued by Higher Education Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska, aforementioned higher education institutions have been listed in the register of accredited higher education institutions. Accreditation is the confirmation of the quality of work according to the Criteria for accreditation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in European Higher Education Area.