Representatives of the Higher Education Agency of the Republic of Srpska (AHERS) participated in the third workshop within the SEQA ESG 2 project, organized by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).The workshop, which discussed stakeholder involvement in the work of quality assurance agencies in higher education, was held in Brussels (Belgium) on 27 and 28 October. The workshop participants were representatives of the partner agencies in the project, coming from Azerbaijan (TKTA), Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska (HEA BiH and AHERS), Serbia (NEAQA) and Ukraine (NAQA).

The workshop discussed stakeholder involvement at all levels, and across a range of agency activities, which includes their participation in the management and work of the agencies, as well as their participation in the creation of methodologies and criteria for external quality assurance. The focus of the discussion was the 3.1 ESG standard. During the two-day workshop, experiences of agencies that have recently aligned their criteria with ESG standards were presented.