The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) held on March 15, 2023 regular bimonthly online meeting of representatives of network member agencies, which, in addition to the reports of the president and board members, was dedicated to the upcoming General Assembly of the network which will be held at the beginning of June 2023, and the presentation of the work and projects of network member agencies and the activities of Chain5, the community of practice for level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework.
New developments and progress in the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HEA) were presented by Benjamin Muhamedbegovic, assistant director for quality assurance, while the joint project "Ensuring quality digital higher education in Hungary", implemented by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was presented by François Staring from OECD. The activities of Chain5, the community of practice for level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework, were presented by Hans Daale from the Netherlands.
At the meeting attended by representatives of all member agencies of the network, the Agency for Higher Education of the Republika Srpska was represented by Bojan Solaja, senior associate in the Sector for Accreditation and International Cooperation.
A regular bimonthly CEENQA meeting was held