The General Assembly of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was held from October 26 to 29, 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden, and special attention was paid to current issues in higher education.
Assistant Director for Accreditation and International Cooperation Duška Radmanović attended the Assembly as a representative of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska.

In the plenary part, they discussed quality assurance in transnational higher education, as well as global perspectives in the field of quality assurance, where representatives of networks of agencies in higher education from Africa, Southeast Asia and the Gulf countries took part. It was concluded that it is necessary to intensify cooperation in the field of quality assurance in higher education between the countries of Europe and the countries of Africa and Asia.
During the work of the assembly, three workshops were organized - on ensuring the quality of distance learning, the connection between quality assurance and the recognition of foreign higher education documents, as well as a workshop dedicated to the future perspectives of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European area of higher education.
The final part of the assembly's was devoted to the issues of the role of quality assurance agencies in supporting academic integrity.
At the Assembly, the admission of new members, both full membership and associate members, was considered, the work report, financial report, as well as the work plan and budget of ENQA for 2023 were adopted.