The Director of the Agency for Higher Education of Republic of Srpska, Biljana Vojvodic, presented a topic that deals with the criteria for ranking higher education institutions within the Round Table organized by the Rectors' Conference of Republic of Srpska.
The round table was held in Teslic on October 9, 2021, and Vojvodic presented the purpose and goals of the ranking project, with special reference to the preliminary set of criteria that will be applied in the ranking process, which includes all three missions of the university - teaching process. , scientific research work and activities in the social community.
She emphasized that the ranking principles are based on the Berlin ranking principles, as well as that it is a complex procedure that includes a whole series of detailed criteria with weighting factors.

Also, for the first time, a preliminary draft of new standards for accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs in Republic of Srpska was presented at the Round Table.
Assistant Director for Accreditation and International Cooperation, Duska Radmanovic, presenting the new standards, emphasized that the main goal of the new acts is to develop measurable quality indicators that will enable further development of external evaluation in higher education.
She pointed out that the standards are very extensive and detailed documents that will be sent for public discussion in the academic community before they enter the adoption procedure.